nanoREV Low Temperature STM

nanoREV LTSTM with carbon atoms of HOPG scanned at 77K

Product Info

Take a look at the critical specifications of nanoREVTM Low Temperature STM.

  • Operating Temperature ranges: 80K to 330K.
  • Seperate exchange-gas and evacuation ports (10-3 mbar).
  • Together with temperature controller and Lock-in amplifier.
  • In-built vibrartion isolation,
  • Additional Isolation provided at the base
  • Fully automated LTSTM-Insert hoisting mechanism.
  • Un/locking mechanism for Vib. Iso. stage.
  • Fitted with LN2 Dewar and its refilling port.
  • Easy ex-situ tip and sample replacements (with Insert rotation)
  • Fitted with a Vacuum Manifold with pump valve and vacuum gauges.
  • Dual heaters for STM sample and LTSTM Insert body.

Visit the fascinating  nanoREVTM STM Image Gallery to have a glimpse of the nanoscale realm revealed by it. Also check out the HowTo Videos to see nanoREVTM STM in action.

Why nanoREV?

Expertise and experience

In the field of mechanics, vibration isolation, piezo-sensors, feedback-control, high voltage power supplies and amplifiers, data-acquisition software etc. to accelerate   nano-technology and related research and development. Experience of the team involved ensures time-bound, effective and optimal solutions to the challenges posed.

Zero Downtime

Our service and support system is targeted to maintain seamless operation of the STM facility. The updates, enhancements and replacements are made immediately with ensuring its uninterrupted usage.

Customization and regular updates

It much more than just an STM, its a sustained relationship with us in building and enhancing the technology, which is an outcome of the quest for further exploration and improvement. The feedbacks of our users have consistently improved and enhanced the whole system.  We are committed to keep the hardware and software updated at the user end.

What is in a name – nanoREV? … Revelations of the nano-world !!


STM Measurements @ 300K
Sizes Maximum Area Minimum Area X/Y Resolution  
Large 3.7μm x 3.7μm 14.8nm x 14.8nm 0.06nm  
Small 375nm x 375nm 1.5nm x 1.5nm 0.006nm  
Z-Resolution Analog Mode: 8-10pm, Digital Mode: 15pm (Using 16-bit DAC) @ 300K
Scan Orientation Horizontal and Vertical
STM Measurements @ 80K
Sizes Maximum Area Minimum Area X/Y Resolution  
Large 1.2μm x 1.2μm 4.9nm x 4.9nm 0.02nm  
Small 43nm x 43nm 0.02nm x 0.02nm 2pm  
Max Z Range ±350 to ±500nm (Full Stretch and Full-Retract) @ 300K
Cryogen Liquid Nirogen
Exchange Gas Helium
Cooling Time 300K to 80K in 2.5 hours (with exchange gas).


Journal Publications with the nanoREVTM LTSTM :

  • Coming soon.


For more information and purchase related queries, contact us here.